Rainmaker has always aimed to make your organization a Safe Place To Work (SPTW). Based on predetermined criteria, we provides a score to the participating organizations.

"Safe Places To Work is aimed to be a nation-wide survey with a mission to foster a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace for all."
Post Survey Report
Rainmaker, based on predetermined criteria, will provide a score to the participating organizations. The Top Safe Places To Work List shall be made public. In the event your organization is not in the Top List, you shall receive a report (to be disclosed only to you), which will contain an overall score for your organization. We will provide you this report two weeks (15 working days) after the survey has been completed. Each participating organization will receive a confidential & comprehensive report of their employee’s survey responses. The survey data will assist employers in developing strategies targeted at addressing specific issues. For instance, a particular vertical/business unit’s women employees have lesser awareness than other verticals/business units, or women employees of a particular age-group have more complaints than other age-groups. We can also provide organizations our support to develop more targeted interventions to prevent Sexual Harassment, meet legal obligations and change the workplace culture. The aim is to make your organization a Safe Place To Work. This report will be complimentary and completely confidential. Later, a study (Master Report) would be published to communicate the Aggregate survey findings and the Top Safe Places To Work List with insights on what makes them Safe. This Master Report would highlight results that are of statistical and practical significance.
What is the safe space to work survey?

The survey evaluates organisations on the degree of safety and inclusiveness they promote for female employees as a response to PoSH. The first survey conducted in 2019 garnered responses from 5682 working women from close to 50 organisations.
01. Aim
- Evaluate organizations in India, on the degree of safety & inclusiveness they provide their employees, especially female employees.
- The survey would cover organizations from different sectors and geographies across the country, varying in strength and domains.
02. The Need
- Sexual Harassment, especially of women at the workplace, has been a major concern for organizations across the country.
- While there has been legislation enacted to tackle this issue, such as The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, change has been slow.
- According to the GoI, there has been a 54%increase in the number of Sexual Harassment cases reported between 2014 and 2017 – around 2 cases reported every day in the country.
Meet the Expert Panel
Along with Rainmaker Team