Our Ethical Community

This e-module will provide an overview of the importance of having a CoC in the workplace, and will cover aspects including but not limited to conflict of interest, gifting policy, whistleblower policy and bribery and corruption.
This solution has been specifically tailored for listed organizations, and covers the ins and outs of insider trading regulations. Targeting employees, insiders, high-level executives, and those with access to critical unpublished price sensitive information, WorkTRADE equips you with a clear understanding of the law, penalties, dos and don’ts, and helps your organization develop its insider trading policy.
WorkBAC effectively explains the key concepts, definitions, types and consequences of bribery under the US FCPA and Indian PCA, including the risks associated with securing permits and licenses, using third-party intermediaries, red flags and providing business courtesies – GMET (Gifts, Meals, Entertainment and Travel) – to public servants, among many other topics. The training also acts as a stark reminder of how bribery and corruption can dramatically and negatively affect both companies and their employees. It offers best practices for companies to mitigate bribery and corruption risks and remain on the right side of the law.
WorkSAFE Lite, is an efficient and effective solution designed to help corporates comply with India’s PoSH law in a post COVID-19 world. A hybrid work environment has emerged that encourages working remotely. WorkSAFE Lite helps meet the compliance norms with an engaging, online module in the highly popular, “short film” format.
WorkSAFE DELTA is Rainmaker’s “on-demand” online training module, created and released in the New Normal, a change from the traditional workplace. This is mandatory for all employees. We have, of course, retained our USP of dramatized videos while incorporating virtual forms of Sexual Harassment and information on how the IC (Internal Committee) operates in the work-from-home (WFH) mode. Quiz questions at the end of each unit ensure employees assimilate, and dramatizations with real people ensure they retain.
This module is suitable for all employees. The Employee Awareness Module ensures that you are in compliance with the Law. Further, the module makes certain that all employees are sensitized and there is awareness with respect to their rights and obligations in accordance with the Law. The module, through its engaging delivery style, decodes the Law and legal jargon for a layperson. It also takes the user through common scenarios, educating them about the dos and don’ts, in addition to appropriate conduct at the workplace.
This training module is specifically designed to train and empower factory/industry/gig workers. The situations portrayed in the short video are industry agnostic and hence suited for all. This training module explains the procedures, timelines, and penal provisions under the PoSH Act to industrial workers in Hindi, and can also be made available in regional languages.
This e-learning module is designed to train and sensitize employees about the Law on prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace. It is the most relevant offering in this space, as it takes into consideration the new hybrid/remote-working environment that has emerged in the post-COVID world. The module also has a unique detachable unit that addresses male sexual harassment.
This e-module, Rainmaker’s newest offering on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH), has been narrated by the witty comedian, Shreeja Chaturvedi. It combines humor with essential insights and real-life scenarios, fostering a safe workplace through candid discussions and actionable strategies. This e-module has separate units for employees and managers. Learn, laugh and cultivate a respectful work environment.
WorkVIBE Unbiased Part I is a powerful tool that delves into the heart of inclusion. Apart from addressing nonconscious biases faced by diverse groups of employees at a workplace, the new e-module focuses on the lived experiences of underrepresented and marginalized communities, and includes episodes on persons with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community and gender biases. By fostering empathy and understanding, we aim to inspire viewers to break their biases and create a truly inclusive work environment that sets the best organizations apart.
WorkVIBE is an innovative solution designed to tackle the complex issue of nonconscious biases in the workplace. Our approach takes a deep dive into the challenges faced by diverse groups of employees, providing a powerful tool for starting meaningful conversations around these topics.