Rainmaker All-Inclusive Webinar-Navigating Inclusion:Transcending Boundaries in Women'sSports(Part2)

Welcome to the riveting discussion on the inclusion of transwomen in women’s sports with “The Rainmaker All-Inclusive Webinar — Navigating Inclusion: Transcending Boundaries in Women’s Sports.” Join esteemed sports journalist Gaurav Kalra and dedicated DEI activist Maira Q, as they present compelling arguments and share insightful lived experiences. Moderated by Rainmaker CEO Antony J Alex, this webinar explores the challenges and triumphs of transcending boundaries in the realm of women’s sports. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast, a DEI advocate, or simply curious about fostering positive change, this webinar promises to be an enlightening journey towards a more inclusive future. Don’t miss out – watch the recording now and leave your thoughts in the comments below. 

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