Pride in a Bindi – A Tale About Allyship and Action
Lavanya took absolute pride in who she was but that day was different. As she looked intently at her reflection in the mirror the […]
The ‘First Class’ Compartment – A Gender-Fluid Person Receives A Reality Check!
We live comfortably in our privileges until the very moment we are forced to open our eyes and start questioning them. Being […]
Jeyasre Kathiravel – The Nirbhaya unheard of
September 6th 2020 – Jeyasre woke up like on most days, smeared in sweat and feeling flustered. Kya hua beti? asked her […]
Food Delivery Aftermath – Short story on blue-collar worker & PoSH Law
11 in the night, the food delivery guy who had delivered my dinner an hour ago, texted me- “Hi Nair madam, sorry […]